Renaissance Man




English Ver.
I am 33 years old!

English Ver. I bought a Ferrari for reward to myself! And I borrowed from a friend, telling me with braveness and seeing it from my childhood dream!
As one more sweet chestnut, my dream has come true!

Well well, thanks for this message, everyone, for your birthday celebration!

Thank you for care about yourself who does not mutter that you did strange things! After all, it would be nice to have a message!

At the end of elementary school, the boy who was reading a one-piece in real time also became my eyes old Roronoa Zoro. If you hear Zoro, it is about the time you are closer to recalling the Zoro Horse than the Petit Zorori, the pleasant Zorro, and even the Kaiji Espoir edition.

I saw the moon while taking a cool even last night while watching the giants of the academic and entertainment worlds fall down every day. While looking for a fan like Katsuhiko Komei, another snowy road passed today. And middle eyes who are distant eyes are as ever.

At the luxury gym in the neighborhood with the bride

I have been sending my days a sense of being aware that myself is not anyone since I passed past 30, but recently I came here and gradually seemed to have gradually improved my way of life gradually but I feel like I’ve been positive I will do. There were many days when I thought that I, everyone, thought to be skillful with the skills of lawyers, doctors, and investors’ friends, but from my friends, quite a lot of my skills are quite skillful It seems like it is coming. My friends also told me that I had nothing to do with them, I was told that it was only skill and how modest it was, but it seemed to me to say with real intention. Although it is not three years on the stone, I am still setting up in the art world for a long time, so I think that I wonder if it has become possible to embody the art air as it is, today is my birthday.

Recently, the world seems to be a little different from the old days. That is to see what the person wants to protect.

That means that respectful respect for people comes up in a certain way. This is the point of view I have never seen before. The epicenter of that respect probably is a look to skill to the opponent. I have never had a thing like myself, in particular, this will not be defeated if this is the case, as far as the area can be protected at all. However, recently, I got to play in the laboratory and the chances of talking with the assistant of the laboratory who is a game associate increased, and I learned that there is something that everyone wants to protect, and not give over. And it came to think that the person who has such a person is cool. It is around this time that each region and justice are different, and it feels shrewd that it is coolness of having faith in each way. By the way, it was a territory where games and clarity can not be given in case of assistant.

Truly recently, I have been devoted to various methods of academism, such as the loose nature of my language, sweetness, form as a thesis. Perhaps it was something that I should have learned at the undergraduate stage, however, I think that it is information that is crowded because it is now that I have become a doctoral course with that, and that I realized that it is really necessary for me I am.

Every day I receive guidance from a professor or assistant from a powerpower girls-like academic super power harassment blow, a critical critical painful blow. Miracle full opening powerpawpower ~ (It is the ending song of Dragon Ball Z)

Recently I turned over Plato I read it 15 years ago and read it back. It was because I received advice seriously from the assistant who read Plato. In the past eight years, I have heard about myself about teaching aesthetics, supervisor, assistant, and those who have no hearing about opinions of aesthetics officials. That too seriously. Sometimes I was told that tomorrow is not rain, hail, no no nobility, Saijo Hideki would die.

I am reading “Menon” now. It is a story about virtue, but this is also a shame. Face, image, representation when I heard it as philosophy … Kant, Hegel, Hume, Dewey, Wittgenstein, Aristotle, Collingwood …

Until recently myself knew such philosophers as being outdated. It is empty and ugly because it is only offering the eating support of the teacher ‘s gentlemen’ s gentlemen, and it is also totally meaningless economically, and it is no mistake that the LDP scraps the humanities literature budget by gorigor I am afraid, I have criticized university professors, faculty members, assistants, stakeholders with that conviction. Aesthetics, philosophy and art do not contribute anything to save the world sadness! Can you save a sick child with hunger in literature? Is art simply luxury goods in leisure time? Even without going to … … it was also true that my community who did not want to get involved with the real world (society) was disgusted. I read a book on Snow ‘s “Two Cultures and Chemistry Revolution” and was laughing at the world of becoming an octopus.

Often we will appreciate your words.

Since I can be more closely with society alone, I can work more closely with the society, so I will explore the possibilities of art, aesthetics, philosophy and society to read society to some extent, so I thought and acted so. However, when deeply entering that community, there were also clusters trying to positively take part in real communities within that community. If you look closely at the community that seems to be a Takotobo at first glance, you also notice that there are diverse clusters.

If we say age 33 and say this as one maturity, I think whether the resolution of resolution to the community to which other people and other companies belongs has risen.

It is a pain that actually cuts out the organization by actually managing the organization, and often thinks about management in order to be self-employed. Trickle down talked about by HNWI who had read Uchida tree halfway, I was convinced that it should raise the corporate tax even more, but this has also come to be seen from a different perspective again . Recently I have increased opportunities for managers to be in contact with business owners thanks to BTC, I was able to gain a viewpoint of doubt as to assert only the rights of labor unions and abandoning my obligation. Indeed, when you look at Youtube of the union, if you say so far, you see it, w, you often think that you wake up the company and watch it. From the people who took risks, the viewpoint that the weak are robbing the honey was fresh. This is also one truth, it is true that there is truth of the weak in the weak. I got a little courage that I can move with my truth with my resolution. There are truths of each, really in the world. Christie who has experience of blowing away his own truth in a blink of an eye. It is Sotheby’s.

This is mature, when people mature, they understand the classics in a true sense. World literature, world philosophy system, Japanese literature, I read everything before Mr. Ikesawa Natsuki’s reedition, but I realized what I had not been able to read at all.

It is a picture taken at the peak of bubble at bay coat. Immediately after this the bubble collapses. It is a foolish idiot.

I do not think that there is a loss by basic knowledge and experiences of young umpread reading, but when it matures, it is time to truly come to mind, and that knowledge will become genuine wisdom when reading at that time Finally I realized. I am really embarrassed because I am experiencing misunderstanding because I am aware that it is understanding, because now I am imposing a word to be named as finished with an aesthetics of aesthetics, so I have a precise meaning I will have it here and use it. I think that it was not just a rhetoric, but I truly realized it.

To read a book, to understand while reading. Careful reading, fast reading are not very meaningful to me. It was a great harvest that I noticed that I changed the form from my young reading. For me now, the necessary reading is the enlightenment reading, that is, the reading (garging).

I myself blown my annual income in Loss cut by BTC / FX in a moment,

I read and understood the “teachings of the Jewish millionaires” in the true sense.

Thanks to you I got Millionaire Mentality.

Paa aa ah ~ ~ ~! Millionaire mentality

Tokyo Baycourt Club

I ignored the advice of the surroundings, ignored the surrounding advice, I myself blew off all the property in one shot by BTC / FX,

I have read the “thesis” in a true sense.

Thanks to you, I was able to carve my squeezer into a note of my heart.

Always covers filled

There was no sentence, from there, further rebuilding, I was a big idiot who blew off the 500,000 yen borrowed by my bride by BTC / FX,

Besides, even though bit coins are gone, my daughter-in-law called me.

I saw Natsume Soseki’s “gate” in a true meaning.

Therefore, I first learned the meaning of the classic to be read and read. It blisters for the glooming one. And the more we can offer that experience, the more that classic will be handed down for a longer time. It is the selection of time that is the only way to hand down the shining experiences, which is classical.

In the past ten years, myself who had been regarded as a classicist still could not catch the meaning of the classic yet firmly. With this, I feel that my understanding of the classics has deepened.

Also, the number of friends in the cryptographic currency area has increased, and as a rookie that has been delayed, asset management at Kotokoto BTC is being carried out. I have 0.0141421356 BTC right now. I purchase it by 0.00001 every day. It is the dollar cost average method.

What you want to protect is not just skill, it also applies to status, fame, family. When you can see that of others, you can see the weakness of that person. Most of the people who are making noise are now mistakenly judged due to the weakness of the general person, the appearance that they are correcting it without admitting the weakness is stained more dirty It is said that.

Because everyone thinks that I am Eichmann myself as an Eichmann of Jerusalem, I keep silence. I think that the next Eichmann is me, so I will not do my best to throw stones to people.

33 years old, it is aged old man at last. FF 6, the child who was doing the chrono trigger in real time became an old man. From your older brother to your uncle. I wonder if there are sandy paradoxes here. Because all the surrounding communities are young, I can also be seen very young. As art people do not get much stress, cells may be stress-free and young people may be more!


Among 33-year-olds, it is possible for both of them to be compatible, none of them are protected, Ikkyoseunzumi, self-depressed teacher, Zen, Boris · Groy, Plato, Kant, Matsuo Daigaku, BTC, Tsukasu, It may be because it is becoming my area. As a researcher, has it exceeded the rule of 10,000 hours as an artist? People may become respectful to others when they find the things they want to do and guidelines to live.

Even if it is not clear, people who know the direction to go have a feeling that they can be kind to others as long as they are in the lepros.

Tamori told me that I will not reflect. Mr. Hideo Kobayashi said that I am stupid so I will not regret. As usual every single day of sexual harassment, I myself learn from them, I think that I would like to be a human being who does not reflect after all today. Since I am stupid, I watch the second half of SUITS’s first season after watching a Polanski movie while eating Pinkey today wine with polyphenol in a baccarat glass and today I will further recharge the attitude of non-poly shops.

Recently, really recently, staying at that place as it is. This has made me feel like a way of life I should aim for.


Two-headed rug


Talking with friends and seniors, most people always talk about their own way in drinking seats. A story about my future surely comes out somewhere. Because I am told by a lot of people, I thought that it might be better to show it in concrete form to show something, or not, that I should not really be like this, I have conversed with an unexpected freedom person status permitted by him. However, each time you are asked how you will eat in a set. By the time I was in NY, I never asked for an artist, nor did I do anything like a clan of eating. It is often said that in Japan it is a profession that sustaining eating is a profession, and that occupation only regulates that person, it is thought that you are living in such a zeitgeist world.

What I want to become, in the future, I think that people who visit it surely may not be my future, but I think that my future may be uneasy. It’s okay. I am also anxious, so I’m listening to your future. I’m sorry that I always ask questions back in a question-answering method like Socrates.

Nonetheless, even if it is to apply such anxiety, it is a fact that it is thankful for that. Thanks to BTC, we deposit it into overseas time deposit with a yield of 10%, secure 10 million yen in annual income and 2 million yen in taxes, so that the day will come to live at 8 million yen a year will come to the near future so economic Whether there is no worry, it is human task to pursue your own figure.

To continue to stay in place as it is. This is what makes me feel like a way of life I should aim for.

An ass like Greek sculpture


My dream, the goal, that is to live with a cat and a daughter-in-law with a cat-friendly town, in fact, it has already come true.

After that, I am satisfied with this as long as I can keep keeping this until I die. That’s right, I already have my dream come true, so I’m worried about what I am going to do now is to talk about recent problems. Every day is too happy and it makes me worried, so I want to keep this happiness as humble as the last thing I want to be the nearest and it is in the future. So, listening to the future for me is not very constructive.

To continue to stay in place as it is. This is the way of life I should aim for.



I was 33 years old like this. Thank you very much for those who gave us a celebration message. To be able to bless a lot of people, indeed, after all, I’m happy with my holiday. It is refreshing sofuran. Every day, I am only trying to destroy the timeline with the activities of the Japan Usokitsuki club, but I do not have the mind to return myself, so if you think it is awkward, I will depress follow up on the setting in the upper right, I’d appreciate seeing you again.

Thanks to you all, I think that it is really. It is a pity. True lineup.

We appreciate your continued guidance and encouragement in the future.

May 22, Heisei Ichinose






















































あと一歩のところで広尾在住に手が届いたのですが、バブル崩壊に耐えきれずロスカット。足立区へ引っ越しです。分相応を超えた生活レベルは破滅への第一歩。フランス革命の頃の貴族のように、私は坂道コロコロ、破滅へのロンドを踊っていたのです。今から考えてみても何と恥ずかしいことなのでしょうか。 年収150万円で銀座や麻布十番に入り浸ってはいけないのです。 一生ものの黒歴史を背負ってまいります。そんな中、落ち込む私をぶり子さんが励ましてくれました。ビットコインはなくなっても、私がおるよ。そう、私はなにひとつ失っていなかったのです。都落ち。足立区で新たな生活がはじまります。裸一貫成り上がりの再出発です(厳密にはゆうちょ銀行の預金口座に12452円残っております)。 どんどんどん どんどんどんまい 肉食べよ #いっちー俳句 #億葉集 #どんどん #足立区 #広尾在住 #焼肉 #梅島

Kenta Ichinoseさん(@iccchiiiiii)がシェアした投稿 –

































平成29年5月22日 一ノ瀬健太


Culture You!あ~、世界ってほんと美(たの)しい




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