Renaissance Man


Will you come in my room to see my Xanadu?



On Xanadu (Good points and Bad points and Future tasks)

I started the project of Xanadu(my library and reference system) 1 month ago.I write down what I thought below.I hope my hurdles clear.


Xanadu systemはこちら


first,good points(まず、良かった点から)

1.the system”You are what you read” worked well even when for the first time I met someone.(by means of this system I am understood by others,what I am.)



2.when I don’t have my PC,but in Wifi point or LTE area,I show my system easily and soon,this is good point.




second,bad points(次に、悪かった点、改善点)

1.sometimes I don’t find the page I read before.
→so,I will take a memo as soon as just I finish reading book and insert memo under book’s title on Xnanadu home page.



2.Copy rights hurdle my system for others.Private copy is legal,but open the pages broadly,I will punished by Authorities.fear fear fear Giorgio Agamben! ((((;゚Д゚)))))))lol.True discussion exists in detail,not abstract.For the purpose reasons detail page will be open.I follow copyLeft movement and perhaps support it.




Future tasks(今後の課題)


1.Anti-Anti intellectualism(反反知性主義

I support Liberal arts education more and more strongly.I am an yellow monkey in Japan,and yet on Meiji Restoration deeply even when 2015!!!Soseki Natsume says Japan was developing on the irony upper part 100 years ago.It is continuing this modern age.However I,I hope we, learned democratic system from westerns,I am sorry for not stopping powers’s war and lost war,I knows Meiji pioneers who absorbed western good culture and system,liberte egalite fraternite.I tell people around me and broadly.Fool who don’t knows our history,they committed to doing same ridiculous wrong doing Weizsäcker.So I will preach Liberal arts education around Japan and world against Anti-intellectualism.



2.Water flows below,also human-mind flows below,below.This is an ancient law.So my Xanadu system will broadly offer appealing point for normals,not super man nietzsche says.I guess,people are always concerning about sex and sex ,,,and sex! lol



Maslow’s triangle is out of date.From the points of evolutionary psychology,we are ships that selfish-genes drive.Maslow’s triangle should be always considered by this light.I says!εὕρηκα(Eureka)!



I will be the change I wish to see in the world.



I will change the world where people respect liberal arts education each others,in the world liberal artists will make love with beautiful women easily lol!!!Citing Shakespeare by heart is cool in the society.




For the world better place,I offer normals this concept that Liberal arts is super cooooool!!!




Will you come in my room to see my Xanadu?



So,my Xanadu system will be revised visually,to be cool.



I follow this visualization like this.



Daito Manabe

tuvalu visualization

hiroshima archive

nagasaki archive



Redundancy sorry,my future task is programing for visualization.



I will master programing.Fight!Fight!Fight!Oh~\(^o^)/!!!





if you are interested in me,please join us!!(^-^)!



Echigo star Iccchiiiiii




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