October 14, 2017 Daily comment comments
【\ (^ O ^) / Kaijyo First! Bit coin art has been selected! ! ! \ (^ O ^) /] I made artwork for the medium with bit coins that filled my own all estate (savings)!
The result is winning! I missed the Grand Prize, but I would like to continue to devote myself to this.
The title of the work is sold at the museum shop on the 2nd floor of the university art museum.
The price is 1 BTC (currently, 5,619.05 dollars), and as soon as we do not get it, the value goes up steadily “leap”.
The 12th Giants Art Plaza Grand Prize Exhibition – Theme “Leap” –
October 13 (Fri) – 26 (Thu) in 2017
10: 00-17: 00 / closed on Mondays / admission free
Venue: Geijutsu Museum Art Museum Shop
I always think that my work always stops people’s legs. Other works were through, but be sure to stop your feet in my work. However, I can not be blessed with a prize all the time, and I am always very regretful. I think that it will be the end if the judge acknowledges it, but after all I got something crying
This is described in the caption.
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1 BTC of selling price is a unit of bit coin. Bit coin is a cryptographic currency made by Satoshi Nakamoto as the new key currency of the world without the issuing parent. The world’s first bit coin settlement was 10,000 BTC with 2 pizzas. Converting at the price of October 5 (469,483 yen) will be nearly 5 billion yen. It is a work that “breaks” the dramatic rise of bit coin price in the last few years to Sumitomo (gold and luck).
1 BTC of selling price is a cryptographic currency made by Satoshi Nakamoto as the new key currency of the world without the issuing parent. The world’s first bit coin settlement was 10,000 BTC with 2 pizzas. Converting at the price of October 5 (469,483 yen) will be nearly 5 billion yen. “breaks” the dramatic rise of bit coin price in the last few years to Sumitomo (gold and luck).
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Work Concept
The theme of this year is “leap”, I made a work with the motif of a dramatic rise in bit coin which has become a hot topic in recent years. This virtual currency bubble is often compared with the dot com bubble, but it seems that there is luck with which coins remain after all. No matter how much you looked at using logic, everything is the last “luck”, “godly trust”. It is a work with very much interest that I made with such thought.
In the daily clean and correctly beautiful activities, it seems that eventually it may come from that God smiles for those who live such a life without being greedy, losing the rain, not losing the wind, after all think.
■ Gold and luck
The title of the work is “Sumitomo”, a gift and luck of luck. The gold poo that rises dramatically to the spiral, rising as far as anywhere. That is exactly what the world is expressing the prayers he put in a honeymoon, a human-hated writer who dislikes color and money. It also contains the meaning of rising mindset of a conscious high system. At the same time, I want to release from the Japanese world where the freedom of speech of Japanese black society and speech every day is black every day as soon as possible. I want to escape from the world by becoming “a billion people” as soon as possible. Just not only to escape, I want to be rich Kaoru Akira. I put such a pure, incomprehensible complex intrinsic feeling of mine.
■ Infinite and the figure 8
Bit coin price rising indefinitely. Do not be overworked at over 600,000. The bit coin is 1 BTC = 0.8 billion yen. Bitcoin (the principle) is a big invention since the Internet, and will change dramatically everything in our life from now on. It brings innovation to every social organization such as politics, economy, nation, government, legal system. It has about that impact! This placement was done to clearly show that that. Japan will perish. Go abroad. I am keenly aware of the weakness of the Japanese yen. It is good now. It is still good. There is an advantage of developed countries. However, the advantage is no more. I saw China money at Frankfurt’s FKK, the Palace, I decided not to trust the Japanese yen, I decided to trust the bit coin, after I returned home, I converted all my savings into bit coins did. Fukuzawa Yukichi likes humans who think by himself. Heaven tells us not to make a man on top of the person, not to make a person under the person. Independently, independence of one country. Because I love Japan, I made a bit coin into the Japanese yen like Jiro Shirasu who returned to the country once. That will be funds to save Japan.
■ Freemasonry
Behind the bit coin, the grand idea of making the world transparent is hidden. Internet, WikiLeaks, フ ェ イ ス ブ ッ ク, and Bitcoin. The world becomes increasingly “free”. There are things that accelerate that freedom. It is a revolutionary group to make the world better, that is Freemason. Humans are going to become free. This is also the royal road of succession inherited from ancient Greece. Liberal arts that Leonardo da Vinci wished for is the meaning of human beings, and it is also the most precious human beings to cultivate. It will be obvious if you look at the CM of bitFlyer which is the largest exchange of bit coins in Japan. If the viewer sees it, I can understand. The magnificent thought behind it is hidden in this bit coin. Let’s make the world free now.
■ Rainbow-colored paper
A cover of the paper of the principle of bit coin written by Satoshi · Nakamoto is stated. It is the dream world that overflows from here. Prayer is drawn here, becoming an increasingly rich world full of dreams and romances. There are 1.3 billion people who can not have a bank account even if they make efforts in the world. If you try your hard work. People who have struggled and dreamed of have dreadful protection. I read the paper and I felt the driving force towards that world.
■ inviting cat
Fortune of invitation. Lucky Cat. I will bring luck. And this, how it works! ! !
… After all, a lot of people stop their feet. I am thankful! Investors, how about one cat in this very advantageous super inviting cat family? What? \ (^ O ^) /
Purchase at the high price of the first time in the history of the Beauty of Beauty, Let ‘s make history together! w
Culture You! Oh, the world is really beautiful
Oh! That’s a pretty good article! Those who seemed to be shopping at Amazon ♪
To those who want to remodel my brain like mini 4WD
第12回 藝大アートプラザ大賞展 - テーマ 「飛躍」 -
10:00-17:00 / 月曜休館 / 入場無料
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1 BTC of selling price is a unit of bit coin. Bit coin is a cryptographic currency made by Satoshi Nakamoto as the new key currency of the world without the issuing parent. The world’s first bit coin settlement was 10,000 BTC with 2 pizzas. Converting at the price of October 5 (469,483 yen) will be nearly 5 billion yen. It is a work that “breaks” the dramatic rise of bit coin price in the last few years to Sumitomo (gold and luck).
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無限に上昇するビットコイン価格。60万を超えたぐらいでビビっていてはいけません。ビットコインは1BTC=8億円になるのです。ビットコイン(の原理)はインターネット以来の大発明で、これから私たちの生活の一切を劇的に変えます。政治、経済、国家、行政、法制度とといったありとあらゆる社会機構に変革をもたらします。それくらいのインパクトがあるんだぞ!ということを端的に示すためにこの配置を行いました。日本は滅びます。海外に出てごらんなさい。日本円の弱さを痛感します。今はいい。まだいい。先進国のアドバンテージがある。しかし、そのアドバンテージはもうないに等しいのです。フランクフルトのFKK、the Palaceにてチャイナマネーを目の当たりにしたわたしは、日本円を信用せず、ビットコインを信用しようと決意し、帰国したのちに、わたしのすべての貯金をビットコインに変えたのでした。福沢諭吉は自分で考える人間を好みます。天は人の上に人を作らず、人の下に人を作らずと云えり。一身独立して、一国独立す。わたしは日本を愛するがゆえに、一度田舎に戻った白洲次郎のように、日本円をビットコイン化しました。それが日本を救う資金になるのです。
Culture You!あ~、世界ってほんと美(たの)しい