Renaissance Man




English Ver.

Taniro Asano Sanpo (1): Longevity Jizo
April 6, 2018 Daily comment comments

Longevity Jizo

I moved! Tani Chi! Ikenobu West side

Now it’s super cool and naughty, and Niigata’s Masuji ramen is also a super blue super cold spot!

I am not sure if I can handle my hands from where I am recently, from the fatigue of moving, or the burnout of the art festival, whether the motivation for creation is overwhelming or declining, I do not know where I am handmade Today is. Today is also writing activity from morning while drinking red Kirishima that appeared at the time of moving!

Well, at that time I did not make something I did not want to make well, I began with the fact that I wanted to make something I wanted to make freely. Tani Chihaya’s journey. Aside from sending Mr. Buriko to the nearest station, one of the strings Q is followed by a walk of Tani Sen after that. It is this project that featuring what I cared about there!

Morning walk, the first time here! Longevity Jizo! If you go north along Yamie Sugaru standing perpendicularly to Ganza Yanaka, you will get a scent of incense. I worshiped if my sickly mother and grandmother would ease a little.

The candle is 30 yen and the incense stick is 100 yen.

I will also serve you incense stickers, with your praying hands. You feel calm. I remember the head family going to the train.

As a leisure person, the origin posted in the temple is also checked. This is the real pleasure that you can not do without being a leisure person. Electric chari-mama who sends runners’ salarymen and children to kindergarten sweats with their forehead and runs in a busy condition. What a luxury! Is this incompatible? I always have such mentality!

A word to them as they rush. Why do not you just delay a single train. It does not mean to die. If I do not want it, I should wake up a little earlier.

“The Jizo of this place is the estate of the distinguished and wonderful temple of Huangjong sect of Nagasaku gun, Kagohara Nagasaki gun Nagano Prefecture from now Jizo who was very religiously believed Until the bodhisattva, in the Showa Era the local senior citizen of the faith greeted the spirit, was placed here, heard that there is effect of saving with a very magical power, hear from the perspective In a memorial morning, a lot of people who came to see us are in sight.

Always a family can be safe, children and grandchildren grow strongly, strongly studied, become a respected person, can go to travel, will not suit the accident, will heal all the difficult diseases and troubles , I will be happy forever forever and be happy, people praying for granting you all, fulfilling your disaster and protecting it, I am thankful that many profits and benefits will be awarded to you more and more The number of people increased and we received very valuable good forces from Jizo, we are pleased and received a sincere thanks dedication to the variety of thanks.

Mr. Jizo always keeps you watching gently and warmly from across the incense smoke. Praying hands ”

Mr. Jizo possibly removes in advance the dangers that people who temporarily lost the margin in their minds will encounter, such as those who went through, and possibly wearing the disaster themselves Maybe there is.

Everyone who plays this street on a hurry, how about getting to hand with this Jizo once in a while and gazing at that faceside. You will be able to see a smiley smile even if swollen with bloody tears and runny nose with hay fever.

Besides that, the history of Yosemite Avenue has been posted, and trivia has increased again.

There was a river flowing in this place. After that, after culminating, a cheap greengrocer has appeared, and many night stores are lined up in shopping districts where various necessities are arranged cheaply, and their liveliness has continued until late at night. From there it is said that it was named Yosemite Street. Although it stagnated temporarily due to air raids, after the war it quickly recovered bustle and traffic improvement was done. As a result, as a first priority for shopping pedestrians, events, box offices, night shops, etc. are prohibited and it is now. Even so, it has been continued for a long time now that lifesaving Jizo Takashi’s legal requirement keeps flowers, sweets, sweet drinks etc. still on 24th every month.

The history of Mr. Jizo is written. It seems that 300 years ago from now it came from Nagano Prefecture now.

Thank you for today I was able to visit. While experiencing the loss cut of hell, there is calm now. It is truly appreciated. Pray hands.

Even though I entered Yamanote Line somehow than when I was in Iriya, the price became cheap and I could consume vegetables and fruits every day. This is also thanks to Roskat and Yomise Street. Pray hands.

Ken chan dumpling


















お地蔵さまは、いつもあなたをお線香の煙の向こうから、やさしく、あたたかく見守り続けていらっしゃいます。 合掌
























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